Who can we help?
We specialise in assisting white collar professionals, specifically: Finance, Accountancy, Banking, Law and Marketing, to find the best jobs, faster in the London, Aussie and NZ market.
How we help you
The job market in London is enormous and is serviced by hundreds of recruitment businesses, so how would you know where to start? Armadillo Connect has long term relationships with some of London’s leading recruitment agencies in the sectors we assist, to provide them with top quality Australian, Canadian and New Zealand professionals in advance of your arrival to London. We provide you with CV guidance to ensure your experience stands out and secures interviews with our recruitment partners.
There is more to coming to London than just getting a job though. We provide assistance with bank account set up and money transfers, and our experienced team provide you with plenty of tips and hints on how to get the most out of your London experience. Unlike many other businesses offering help getting to London, we provide our service completely free of charge.
Use the form below to send us your details to arrange a conversation with one of our team to see how we can help you make the most of your London experience.